Monday, August 13, 2018

How to check if an Android app is safe to install

hough Google does its best to keep viruses and malware out of the Play Store, malicious Android apps often attract millions of downloads before they’re taken down. So how can you avoid becoming a victim? In this how-to, we'll share a few techniques to double check an app is legit.

Can you get viruses or malware on your phone?

The short answer: YES you absolutely can don’t let anyone tell you otherwise or we’re all gonna...
The long answer is that while Android smartphones or tablets can’t get viruses, they can get other forms of malware — primarily when you inadvertently install untrustworthy apps.
It’s important to note the difference between the two: Malware, or malicious software, is any piece of software designed to harm the user or the device. A virus is a kind of malware which replicates itself to the point of corrupting user or system files on a device. This doesn’t happen on Android devices.
Android devices can't get viruses  but they can get other forms of malware
You’ve probably heard the terms adwarespyware, and Trojans(oh my!). But did you know these different types of malware can infect your phone, as well as your computer?
Consider the money-stealing malware “ExpensiveWall”, which was downloaded between one million and 4.2 million times this year. Without any indication, ExpensiveWall charged victims’ accounts for fake services like premium SMS messages. Or the infamous Faketoken Trojan that steals your credit card information by impersonating the interfaces of taxi-booking apps.
And that’s just the tip of the malware-berg. There are tons of malware variants, each capable of harming your device in its own unique way. For instance, malicious malware apps such as Android/KingRoot, Android/Generic, and Android/deng (which was detected in app files and as recently as July) could potentially be adware waiting to flood your device with unwanted advertisements or pop-ups, or worse, waiting patiently to compromise your personal information.
Malware apps like Android/ztorg (detected in app file org.rain.ball.update in June) could access your private information and disrupt your life in a number of ways:
  • Stealing your contacts and sensitive photos
  • Following your every move with a location tracker
  • Reading your private text messages
  • Saving your passwords after you type them in
  • Jacking up your phone bill with tons of SMS messages to premium numbers
  • Going on shopping sprees with your bank account
Mobile malware is clearly no joke — and the best way to protect yourself is to know what you’re up against.

How can I keep malware and viruses off my phone?

  • STEP 1: Avoid third-party app stores
  • STEP 2: Look out for fake apps and scams
  • STEP 3: Check app permissions

Step 1: Avoid third-party app stores

All app stores are not created equal, and using third-party app stores is risky in a big “infecting your device with malware” kind of way. Sure, stores such as the Amazon Appstore and GetJar may seem like a thrifty alternative to official stores like Google Play. With free and discounted apps as far as thee I can see, who wouldn’t want to venture outside the confines of Google Play in search of the best deal? But of course, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Installing apps from outside of Google Play is a surefire way to put yourself in danger
By installing apps from third-party stores, you’re bypassing security measures put in place to vet apps for malware threats, making it much easier for a hacker to infiltrate your device with an infected app. So while you may think you’re staying ahead of the Android curve by downloading the new Super Mario Run app, you might actually be downloading a Marcher trojan that steals the login information for all of your apps, including your banking apps. Suddenly, some stranger is on a losing streak in Vegas, funded by you.

Step 2: Look out for fake apps and scams

Knowledge is power. And in the wake of one of the most successful app store scams ever, knowing how to recognize app scams is an invaluable skill.
While third-party app stores pose a greater risk when it comes to downloading fake, malware-riddled apps, they also sneak their way into Google Play from time to time.
So how do you know if an app is safe? Similar to our test for spotting email scams, here are a few major things to look out for:

Find out who the developer is

Look at the developer’s name found right below the app’s name. A quick Google search should provide you with verified info about the developer, such as a website. If the developer has created a number of apps, they are more likely to be trustworthy.

Number of downloads

Check to see how many times the app has been downloaded. If it has lots of downloads, it’s more likely to be legit.

Date published

If you’re downloading Facebook Messenger and suddenly notice it was published just a few months ago, that’s a telltale sign the app is fake. Instead, look for an “updated on” date.
You can find all of these details under "Read more" on any app page in the Google Play store:


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